Jordan issues safety tips to combat heatstroke during heatwave


Published: 2024-06-18 13:13

Last Updated: 2024-07-14 11:34

Jordan issues safety tips to combat heatstroke during heatwave
Jordan issues safety tips to combat heatstroke during heatwave

The Public Security Directorate (PSD) renewed its warnings in response to the prevailing heatwave currently affecting the Kingdom.

Also Read: Heatwave returns to Jordan

The PSD highlighted the importance of adhering to a series of safety tips and guidelines to prevent incidents of heatstroke and heat exhaustion, particularly during the Eid celebrations when social, touristic, and recreational activities are common.

To mitigate the risks of heat-related illnesses, the PSD advised avoiding direct exposure to sunlight, especially in regions known for extreme heat such as the desert, Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba.

Residents and visitors are encouraged to increase their fluid intake, with a particular emphasis on drinking water, and to wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing.

The public is also cautioned against leaving sanitizers and lighters inside vehicles during high temperatures due to their flammable nature.

Additionally, it is crucial not to leave children alone in vehicles while running errands and to prevent them from playing under the sun during peak hours.

For those whose jobs require extended periods under direct sunlight, wearing protective head coverings and hats, and taking regular breaks are essential to avoid heat-related health issues.

The PSD also warned against starting fires in grassy areas, particularly in forested regions, and advised staying away from dense grass areas that could be habitats for reptiles such as scorpions and snakes.

Also Read: Ministry of Labor urges employers to protect workers from high heat

To prevent electrical hazards, the public is urged to avoid overloading electrical outlets by running air conditioners, fans, and other appliances on a single power source.

In case of emergencies, the public should not hesitate to call the unified emergency number (911).